
class mergernet.services.legacy.LegacyService[source]#

Bases: ImagingService

_batch_download_rgb(ra: List[float], dec: List[float], save_path: List[Path], workers: int | None = None, **kwargs)#
_download_rgb(ra: float, dec: float, save_path: Path, width: int = 256, height: int = 256, scale: float = 0.55, opt: str = '')#
batch_cutout(ra: List[float], dec: List[float], save_path: List[Path] | None = None, base_path: str | Path = '', mag_r: List[float] | None = None) Tuple[List[Path], List[Path]][source]#

Downloads a list of objects defined by RA and DEC coordinates.

The ra, dec and save_path lists are mandatory and must have same length.

  • ra (List[float]) – The list of RA coordinates of the desired objects.

  • dec (List[float]) – The list of DEC coordinates of the desired objects.

  • save_path (List[Path], optional) – The list of path where files should be saved.

  • base_path (str, Path, optional) – The path that will be appended at beggining of every paths if save_path is None.

cutout(ra: float, dec: float, save_path: Path | None = None, base_path: str | Path = '', mag_r: float | None = None) None[source]#

Downloads a single Legacy Survey object RGB stamp defined by RA and DEC.

  • ra (float) – Right ascension of the object.

  • dec (float) – Declination of the object.

  • save_path (pathlib.Path, optional) – Path where downloaded file will be stored.

  • base_path (str, pathlib.Path, optional) – The path that will be appended at beggining of every paths if save_path is None.

get_pixscale(mag_r: float | List[float]) float | List[float][source]#
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>#